The IPL Photo Facial, sometimes called LimeLight, is an innovative aesthetic beauty treatment performed at the Laser Image Company South Bay.

The Cutera Limelight intense pulsed light system is exceptionally effective for treating brown spots, sun damage, and skin redness (rosacea), at a very comfortable energy level. If you have unwanted pigmentation on any part of your body then this is the skin treatment for you.

This light therapy will also stimulate collagen growth and is the perfect procedure to remove the signs of aging, reduce fine lines and get clearer, younger-looking skin in as little as two treatments with slight downtime.

How can the Laser Image Company Med Spa help with your skin concerns?

Our focus is on listening to our client’s concerns and using our aesthetic nurse and doctor’s expertise to determine if you are a good candidate for IPL photo facial.
At the Laser Image Company Med Spa your beauty, comfort, and satisfaction are our number one priority. We pride ourselves on a “no pressure” practice atmosphere and focus on creating a personalized treatment plan to enhance the beautiful you.

We want you to have an exceptional experience and as a top Redondo Beach treatment provider and our staff will work hard to make that happen. Schedule a complimentary consultation or call to book an IPL Photofacial Appointment today.

Benefits of
IPL Photofacial:

  • Remove sun, age, and brown spots
  • Decrease redness
  • Stimulate collagen to reduce wrinkles
  • Improve skin tone and texture

IPL Photofacial
Before & After Photos



Ipl-photofacial-hand pigmentation-torrance


Frequently Asked Questions IPL Photofacial

What is an IPL Photofacial treatment?
An IPL photo facial treatment uses a broadband light source that is absorbed by the dermal layer of skin to create change on the cellular level. It can improve many types of skin discoloration and a series of treatments will increase the production of collagen growth to help with overall skin rejuvenation.

What is IPL Photofacial good for?
This light therapy will improve the appearance of many skin conditions. Brown spots, sun spots from sun exposure, age spots, and overall texture and wrinkles of the skin can all be helped by this light therapy. Positive effects of IPL have also been shown in inflammatory acne and pore size.

What does the IPL Photofacial laser treatment do to pigmentation?
The visible light delivered by the IPL procedure is selectively absorbed by the pigmented spots and red areas on your skin. The photo facial laser heats the pigmented cells that cause the therapeutic effect.

Is IPL Photofacial painful?
The photo facial procedure entails the handpiece being placed on your skin, it will feel cool and comfortable. When the pulse of light is delivered, you may feel a mild, brief pinching sensation. Some patients say it feels like a light rubber band snaps.

How many IPL Photofacial treatments will I need?
The number of treatments depends on many factors including skin type, age, skin condition, lifestyle, and home skincare. Typically, two to four done as a series of treatments spaced four weeks apart are sufficient to see dramatic results. Additional laser treatments may be required for deep dark spots, densely freckled areas, or excessively sun-damaged skin. Your skincare specialist will determine if at-home use of retinoic acid, glycolic acid, or alpha hydroxy acids post would be recommended. For advanced pigmentation removal, a chemical peel can be added to create deep exfoliation and lightening.

When will I see the results of my IPL Photofacial procedure?
The effects of the IPL procedure are seen immediately. The superficial brown spots gradually become darker within the first 24 hours and usually flake off in 7 – 14 days. Patients will see significant improvement in the sunspots in two weeks while the complexion will be clearer and younger-looking as collagen is produced over time.

What can I expect on the day of my Photofacial session?
The treatment process starts with multiple cleanings of the skin to remove any makeup. Next pictures are taken so we can document the starting point. A small amount of ultrasound gel is applied and the handheld device is placed on a few patches of skin to test settings. This treatment prep increases the safety and efficacy of the IPL machine. The Expect total treatment time is 30 minutes for a full face.

Who is not a good candidate for this light treatment?
Any person with tanned skin has had dermal fillers in the past month or Botox in the past 2 weeks. If there is a skin infection in the area being treated or you have uncontrolled autoimmune issues, clearance is usually required by the treating physician.

Is it safe to drive after having IPL Treatment?
At the laser clinic, we transform clients’ skin with IPL laser treatments from Redondo Beach, Hermosa Beach, Torrance, Palos Verdes, Rolling Hills, and Los Angeles and there is no problem for them to drive after the procedure.

How much does an IPL photo facial cost?
IPL price is dependent on the area being treated and the number of procedures required for the desired result. For example, One IPL treatment for the full face costs $250, and ask about our package specials. The nurse performing the photorejuvenation treatment will discuss the cost of your custom treatment plan for your specific concern.

What to do After Photodynamic Therapy

Your skin after treatment may feel like you have a mild to moderate sunburn. Minor crusting or minor peeling of the surface layers of the skin is not unusual. An over the counter Hydrocortisone Cream and Aloe Vera Gel may help with redness or inflammation of your skin. Recovery time  for face is between 7-14 days and for body it can be up to 1 month.

  • Avoid bathing or washing with very hot water. Use tepid water
  •  Keep area clean. Wash gently.
  • Avoid direct sun exposure after your treatment. If you do go in the sun, protect the treated area with a broad spectrum sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher. If this direction is not followed, there is an increased risk of hyperpigmentation.
  • Apply non irritating soothing moisturizer regularly.
  • Cool compress can be used, if needed, to decrease redness and swelling.
  • Avoid any irritating medications or chemicals, particularly on the face unless directed by your skin care specialist. Examples of these are  vitamin A acid, Benzoyl peroxide, alpha hydroxy acids, glycolic acid, retinoic acid or other astringents.
  • Additional treatments may be required for desired results so do not forget to book your IPL Photofacial appointment.

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IPL Photofacial

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