Exilis Body Shaping and Skin Tightening!

Exilis is the newest FDA approved non-invasive treatment for body shaping and skin tightening. It is a two in one treatment (body shaping and skin tightening) that uses monopolar RF (radio frequency) to deliver controlled heat approximately 1-3 cm under the skin, combined with targeted cooling for enhanced comfort. Radiofrequency is a form of energy that causes your skin to heat up and stimulate collagen and tighten skin.

Exilis Elite Technology

Exilis has been clinically proven to reduce excess body volume and tighten skin, in a comfortable, fast and effective treatment. Your treatment areas will be firmed, smoothed and more youthful, and who does not want that?


What to expect from Exilis Laser Lipo Body Shaping Treatment

The Exilis will tighten skin and melt fat causing you to lose inches in problem areas (arms, bra strap area, abdomen, male chest, thighs, knees and neck/jowls). Everyone is different, but most people start to see results as early as 1-2 treatments. Significant results of 4-15 cm after 4-6 treatments. Those who wish to have larger volumes reduced may need additional treatments. The entire Exilis procedure takes between 30-60 minutes to complete depending on the size and number of treatment areas. Treatments are scheduled every 7-14 days with no down time or limitations. There is no pain and most patients describe the treatments as hot/warm and tingling.


It is important to drink water both before and after the treatment and light activity is advised after treatment in order to improve blood flow and lymphatic drainage for maximize results.

The Benefits Exilis Body Contouring Procedure:

Infrared Body Wrap Hawthorne

  • Removal of local fat deposits
  • Reduction in overall volume of treatment area
  • Improvement of cellulite
  • Body shaping
  • Skin tightening
  • Diminishes signs of wrinkles and fine lines
  • Can be used to treat all areas of the face and body
  • No recovery or downtime

If you desire body reshaping and skin tightening, the Exilis Laser treatment may be just the right treatment for you!


Come in to our office and get a complimentary consultation to see what would be best for you. Visit us at The Laser Image Company, your place for treatment & education.

Charlotta Pettersson

Charlotta Pettersson, Medical Aesthetician, has been in beauty industry since 2002. She is internationally trained at the School for Estheticians and Cosmetologists in Stockholm, Sweden and has a masters in fashion, print and beauty makeup. Her experience working with top plastic surgeons has led to the creation of new advance skin treatments.

About The Laser Image Company: The clinic was a collaboration of Dr. Lad Rubaum an ENT, Facial Plastic Surgeon, and John Santoliquido, a laser specialist and trainer, with the intention to educate patients on all the latest non-invasive cosmetic treatments available. We specialize in advanced treatments using Microneedlng with PRP. Our injectable specialists use Botox to smooth lines and can create amazing transformations with dermal fillers like Juvederm, Voluma, Vollure and Restylane. Our state of the art lasers can treat any skin color. We offer laser Skin tightening, Laser Hair & Vein Removal , IPL, Photofacial, Genesis for rosacea and collagen stimulation, Exilis for fat melting and Fractional laser for acne scars, wrinkles, sun damage and stretch marks. The staff was handpicked by Dr. Rubaum for their extensive knowledge and expertise in the specific treatments they perform. Whether it is a laser to tighten the skin or a filler plump the lips, Laser Image Company will have you covered.

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